
Friday, May 25, 2018

27 May: 1964, On the Demise of Jawaharlal Nehru

Homage to Jawaharlal Nehru


Dear Friends,

We have heard with deepest feeling of grief about the premature decease of the Prime-Minister of the Republic of India Shri JAWAHARLAL NEHRU, the outstanding statesman of our life-time, the great and sincere friend of the Soviet Union.

            Prime-Minister JAWAHARLAL NEHRU has devoted all his life to the cause of struggle for happiness and freedom of Indian people, for progress of mankind.

The outstanding contribution into struggle for  bringing about the principles of peaceful co-existence between the states made by Prime-Minister JAWAHARLAL NEHRU, his indefatigable activity to defend peace throughout the world have found its expression in non-alignment  policy of the Indian Republic the inspirer of which Prime-Minister JAWAHARLAL NEHRU has been.

All what nowadays the great people of India is proud of is inseparably linked with Prime-Minister JAWAHARLAL NEHRU’s name, who has been an active fighter against the colonialism.

In our country Shri JAWAHARLAL NEHRU’s name who has so much done to develop and strengthen friendship bonds between the Soviet and the Indian peoples, enjoyed of immeasurable respect and warmest love of all the Soviet people.

The visit of friendship made by Prime-Minister JAWAHARLAL NEHRU to the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic will be forever engraved in the Uzbek people’s memory.

During these mournful days for people of India and those of India’s sincere friends we share the entire depth of feeling of grief overtaken you and convey our sincere condolence to the people of India and the Indian government.
Houjouma Shoukhourova                                                             Zoulfiya
President of the Uzbek Society                                President of the Uzbek Branch
for Friendship and Cultural relation                           of the Soviet-Indian Cultural
with foreign countries                                                         Society
Source: AIWC Papers, MSS, NMML

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