
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

04 September, 1852: Birth Anniversary of Dadabhai Naoroji


            The present section will deal with the correspondence which Dadabhai had with Governors and Viceroys. It will be noticed that this correspondence increased after Dadabhai’s retirement form England.


Lord Minto was succeeded by Lord Hardinge in November 1910.

…On 8-10-1913 Dadabhai wrote to Lord Hardinge controverting the contention advanced by him in his Council speech viz. the figures of imports and exports of India showed that in rate of progress India compared favourably with any of the principal countries in the world. Dadabhai argued that if a man exported goods worth £1000, he must expect to get back his £1000 + profit, but if he did not get back even his £1000, but say only £800 he actually made a loss. That was what was happening to India. The interpretation put in the figures of imports and exports by officials and repeated by the Viceroy was quite mistaken and calculated top mislead the public and Government.

“The Commercial returns’’ said Dadabhai “when understood correctly prove clearly that a large amount of India’s wealth is carried away by England every year.” For fuller information Dadabhai referred Lord Hardinge to certain pages in his book “Poverty and Un- British Rule in India.” Dadabhai also enclosed with his letter a copy of his letter to the Daily News (London), dated 3-4-1905 on the Subject of the Drain.

Source: Dadabhai Naoroji Papers (IInd Inst.), MSS, NMML