
Monday, November 20, 2017

21 November 1962 – China declares unilateral ceasefire in Sino- Indian war

Extract from translated letter of Chou-En-Lai’s (received by Nigerian Foreign Office) expressing the views of Asian and African countries on Sino-Indian relation.

            Ever since the Sino- Indian border issue arose, leaders of many Asian and African countries have exerted great efforts to promote its peaceful settlement. Almost unanimously they hold that the arch enemy of us Asian and African countries is imperialism and colonialism, that our countries all face urgent tasks of reconstruction to transform the backward state of our economy, and that China and India, the two big Asian countries, should settle their boundary question peacefully, restore Sino- Indian friendship, enhance Asian- African solidarity and together cope with the main enemy before us. They appeal to China and India to halt the armed border clashes and immediately enter into negotiations, and they oppose foreign intervention. Both China and India are big Asian countries, it is only through direct negotiations between China and India that a mutually satisfactory settlement of the boundary question can be secured. The Chinese Government heartily welcomes and sincerely thanks the leaders of friendly Asian and African countries for their fair- minded endeavours to promote director negotiations between China and India, without themselves getting involved in the dispute. I sincerely hope that Your Excellency will uphold justice and continue to exercise your distinguished influence to promote a peaceful settlement of the Sino- Indian boundary question on a fair and reasonable basis.

Please accept, Your Excellency,

The assurances of my highest consideration.
Premier of the state Council
Of the People’s Republic of China

Source: P.N. Haksar Papers, MSS, NMML

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