
Friday, September 1, 2017

1 September 1939: Views on World War II

To His Excellency the Marquees of Linlithgow
Viceroy and Governor General of India

Your Excellency,
        I wish Britain to win the war, and India to cooperate in every possible way in this struggle against triumphant Fascism. Although Indian resources are available for the purpose of war thanks to the consideration of the material benefit of this or that section of the people, yet unfortunately it is a fact that intelligent and voluntary popular support has not been enlisted.…
         The failure in this respect until now has been very largely due to the fact that the leaders of those organisations do not approach the problem of India’s participation in the war from the point of view of the larger issues involved. They are mainly concerned with communal or sectional or narrow, short-sighted, nationalist interests. Moreover, many of them, either for hostility towards Britain or an ill- conceived nationalism or reactionary social ideals and cultural outlook, or for other reasons and baser motives, wish victory of Fascism.
          I venture to address Your Excellency with the object of suggesting an alternative approach to the problem of popularising India’s participation in the war.
       There are many broad-minded, far-sighted and independent men, who occupy positions of honour and distinction in the public life of the country, although they may not be counted among the more vocal nationalist and communal leaders. Their cooperation could be more easily secured for the merit of the fight against Fascism. They would cooperate not in return for this or that concession, but out of conviction, believing that the defence of freedom, democracy and progress, threatened by Fascism, is a common cause of all who cherish those ideals. They would not be moved by the consideration of communal interests or party prestige; nor haggle over the number of seats.
        ....Before long, a situation will be created, in which a new election to the Legislative Assemblies in the provinces where the majority party has decided upon an obstructionist policy, can take place on the issue of India’s participation in the war. The result of that election can be expected to change the relation of forces, and consequently the restoration of constitutional Governments of India in all the provinces will be possible. The situation will be completely normalised, if the Central Legislative will also be re-elected according to the Government of India Act of 1935...
         In conclusion, I venture to points out that, internationally, an alliance with the Soviet Union will guarantee victory in the war against Fascism, His Majesty’s Government is not unmindful of the consideration. There are difficulties on the way. But delay is dangerous. My personal cooperation may be helpful in that respect. This my[sic] offer of cooperation may be conveyed to the Home Government if Your Excellency is pleased to do so.

    I close with the fervent hope that these suggestion will receive due consideration of Your Excellency.

[M.N. Roy]

Dehradun, September 26, 1940.               
Roshanbag, Mohini Road.

 Source: M.N. Roy Papers, MSS Section

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