
Thursday, February 28, 2019

28 February, 1963: Passing away of Rajendra Prasad

A foreward by Rameshwari Nehru to a book by Y. G. Krishnamurthy
          Amongst the close associates of Mahatma Gandhi, there are indeed few who are faithful to his teachings and who live the life he wanted us to live. Gandhiji’s ideals were so high and living upto them so difficult that the fact that there are so few who can reach any where near that ideal is not surprising. Rajindra Babu is one of those very few bright stars who have gone nearest to that ideal.
           Early in life he came into contact with Mahatma Gandhi. His earnest soul was touched by his life and ideals his generous nature responded quickly, he gave up his Work as a Prof. in a Patna College and joined Gandhiji in his work for the workers of the plantations of Champaran Distt. Since then, he has become a staunch follower of Gandhiji and in obedience to his behest has served, suffered and sacrificed for the country. His grim determination gave him strength to conquer all obstacles and endure all hardships which came in his way. He has never wavered in the discharge of his duty by the country nor flinched from the sacrifices it involved whenever a call came. He laboured and suffered and used his great scholarly knowledge and wisdom for the service of the people. The greatness he has achieved in the estimation of the people is not due only to the services he has performed. The outstanding excellence of his character and his noble qualities have won the heart of millions.         
         His love for truth is exemplary. He not only speaks the truth but lives it. Whatever he believes in he practices. His Ahimsa is of a very high order. It is positive. He not only abstains from doing harm to anybody, but positively loves every one. He radiates love and is tender like a woman. He is courteous to the core and humble and unassuming. He is a great Scholar. He knows many languages and sciences and yet speaks and behaves as a simple common villager. His language is understood and appreciated even by the uneducated and hence his popularity amongst the general public. He is equally appreciated by the intellectuals as they know he is learned and rely on his advice and guidance. He carried out his duties as a soldier and servant of the country, as its leader, as the President of the Indian National Congress, as a Minister of the State and as the President of the Constituent Assembly with equal skill. His mode of dress and his way of eating and living is simple like that of a peasant. It is a great pity that of late he has lost his health. He suffers from Asthma, but inspite of weak health, he goes on working and serving. May he be blessed with long life and health to serve the people with his great talent and high qualities is the earnest prayer of millions.
(Mrs. Rameshwari Nehru)
New Delhi
8th October 49
Source: Rameshwari Nehru Papers, MSS, NMML

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