17 September, 1948: Nizamat Ended
HYDERABAD (Resy.), Aug. 28
The Nizam’s reply to the recent appeal from India’s Governor-General has been sent, it is learnt, to-day, though it is not clear whether the Hyderabad Agent-General in India carried it with him or it was sent to Delhi by post.
Official circles here describe Rajaji’s communication as a sincere and well-intentioned appeal to the Nizam to come to terms with India and avoid an armed conflict, but they state that it does not contain any specific proposal to end the stalemate.
According to official sources, the Nizam is stated to have replied that he was anxious for an honourable settlement with the Indian Union and the Hyderabad was ready to behave like a good neighbour of India. The reply does not give any inkling that the Nizam has altered his stand in this regard from his counter-proposals made to India in June 1948.
An official spokesman told me that Hyderabad would be willing to sign a draft agreement with the three modifications, already urged, namely, the provision of an arbitration clause in the agreement, concessions with regard to imports and exports and the modification of the clause providing for the stationing of troops inside the State in “any emergency” Hyderabad seeks modification of the phrase into “in the event of war”
The official spokesmen further stated that if further negotiations between India and Hyderabad emerge from this correspondence, Hyderabad would insist that such negotiations should be conducted direct with Mir Laik Ali, the Prime Minister, but not through any intermediaries. –F.O.C.
Source: C. Rajagopalachariar, MSS, NMML