
Friday, May 25, 2018

28 May: 1883, On the Birth Anniversary of Veer Savarkar

«Veer Savarkar »

Indian nationalism was not a sudden phenomenon. It grew and reached its climax as a result of many forces operating through a fairly long period. Great men of all sorts contributed to its steady development through a hundred or more years. It is wrong for us, who have seen post 1920 activities, to forget or belittle the services of those who worked and made great sacrifices even before 1920. It is a matter of satisfaction that Savarkar’s contribution comes up for special national notice on 24th December 1960, fixed for that purpose.

Savarkar of Maharashtra and Chidambaram Pillay of the Tamil country had both the unique honour of being sentenced to two life-periods of imprisonment , the one at Bombay and the other in Madras during the first decade of this century which was marked by excitement , repression and suffering in India. Savarkar was a law student in London when he led a group of Indian revolutionaries there. I used to get their literature circulated under prohibition. I knew Gandhiji was their guest sometime and mixed with them on terms of great intimacy when he visited England, although he stood for non-violence and they did not accept that doctrine. Savarkar went through a daring bid for escape from British police-custody when he took off his clothes and soaped himself and got out through a port-hole in the ship when it was in a French harbour and swam into French territory. He was arrested there and handed over to the British Police who pursued him. The French Police did not then realise that he was a political [escapee] who had escaped and he should not have been handed over. But once he was again in British custody he was taken away for trial and sentence. I was one of those who then got excited over this violation of international practice and wrote to the press about it. Eventually the International Court rejected the plea made on Savarkar’s behalf by an eminent French Lawyer. France was then in what was called the “triple alliance” with Britain. He was finally convicted and given a savage sentence by Justice Chandavakar in Bombay.

I was deeply impressed by the story of the 1857 army revolt written by Savarkar, printed and published somewhere in France and prohibited from circulation in India. I got a copy somehow from France and read it along with a few friends similarly enthusiastic about Indian freedom. Savarkar was in prison when the Home Rule movement and later the Khilafat and Non-cooperation movements swept the country under Gandhiji’s dynamic leadership.

Gandhiji and the Savarkar group did not hit it off, as Savarkar was still a believer in the use of force and did not think that non-violent non-cooperation would succeed. Later Savarkar being too greatly attached to Hindu nationalism drifted apart altogether from the stand taken by Gandhiji. Long prison-life told on Savarkar’s health and I am not sure it did not also affect his once sturdy and broad minded spirit. I myself believe it was unfortunate that Savarkar could not join us and drifted more and more apart from the main stream of the Indian movement for liberty. I look back to the great days between 1897 and 1920 when Tilak and so many others, the cream of Indian manhood and intellect agitated and suffered for the country’s sake, enriched the spirit of the nation and prepared it for the final phase when Britain was forced to retire from India. Savarkar is one of the heroes of India’s struggle against Britain and he will ever be held in esteem and loved by us all, as an adhiratha in the long battle for freedom that was waged in India.
                                                                                      C. Rajagopalachari       

Source: C. Rajagopalachari Papers, MSS, NMML

27 May: 1964, On the Demise of Jawaharlal Nehru

Homage to Jawaharlal Nehru


Dear Friends,

We have heard with deepest feeling of grief about the premature decease of the Prime-Minister of the Republic of India Shri JAWAHARLAL NEHRU, the outstanding statesman of our life-time, the great and sincere friend of the Soviet Union.

            Prime-Minister JAWAHARLAL NEHRU has devoted all his life to the cause of struggle for happiness and freedom of Indian people, for progress of mankind.

The outstanding contribution into struggle for  bringing about the principles of peaceful co-existence between the states made by Prime-Minister JAWAHARLAL NEHRU, his indefatigable activity to defend peace throughout the world have found its expression in non-alignment  policy of the Indian Republic the inspirer of which Prime-Minister JAWAHARLAL NEHRU has been.

All what nowadays the great people of India is proud of is inseparably linked with Prime-Minister JAWAHARLAL NEHRU’s name, who has been an active fighter against the colonialism.

In our country Shri JAWAHARLAL NEHRU’s name who has so much done to develop and strengthen friendship bonds between the Soviet and the Indian peoples, enjoyed of immeasurable respect and warmest love of all the Soviet people.

The visit of friendship made by Prime-Minister JAWAHARLAL NEHRU to the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic will be forever engraved in the Uzbek people’s memory.

During these mournful days for people of India and those of India’s sincere friends we share the entire depth of feeling of grief overtaken you and convey our sincere condolence to the people of India and the Indian government.
Houjouma Shoukhourova                                                             Zoulfiya
President of the Uzbek Society                                President of the Uzbek Branch
for Friendship and Cultural relation                           of the Soviet-Indian Cultural
with foreign countries                                                         Society
Source: AIWC Papers, MSS, NMML

Thursday, May 3, 2018

6 May, 1861: Birthday of Motilal Nehru


            The well known Indian Leader and Great Nationalist Motilal Nehru, has recently arrived in Cairo.
              Readers know him of course from the messages and essays published on India in our paper and other, and from the successive telegrams received every now and then from India about his personal, National activity and the Great Opposition he leads in the India Assembly which is considered as a Parliament for India.
              The opposition Party he leads is called : “ Sawaraj Party” and on several occasions the attitude of this Party and  its President gained the absolute admiration of everybody.
           This leader has great fame and reputation all over the World, especially in connection with the struggle he conducted against the British Colonisation in India. This called down on him the anger of the British Authorities and he was emprisoned  by them for six month. This emprisonment and other in just measures are similar to those adopted here by England when the Egyptian Nationalists endeavered to obtain their independence and practicaly the same pleasures applied everywhere by usurpers against nations claiming their independence and liberty. The usurpers resort to the force of arms to face such circumstances.
          Jawaharlal Nehru the son of this leader was also emprisoned for following his father’s steps because he strived for the Independence and liberty of his country and collected round him the youth of all elements struggling for their own complete rights.

 Perhaps the son will go further than the father against colonists owing to his possession the energy of youth and the spirit of patriotism in which he was brought up by his father which factors would never allow him to yield to the English any single right of his country.

So, Jawahar Lal Nehru and “Young India” stand for complete independence.

This is the history of Motilal Nehru that I went to interview for the “Ahram Paper”. When I welcomed him to this country, I asked him if he would speak a little about India and Indians as we are both struggling for the same principles and trying to get rid of the same usurpers who took India to suck its wealth, and usurped Egypt on the plea that Egypt was necessary for the safety of its lines of communication.

I asked him about the National Movements for Independence in India and its supporters. His reply was :

“ The National Indian Congress is the greatest party that uphold the doctrines of the “ Sawaraj ” in India i.e. independence . This party endeavours to obtain its end by peaceful means. It is thought by some Indians that this independence can be obtained through the formation of National Government of Indians only; this Government to be wholly responsible to the nation, but to remain a member of the British Empire.

Other Indians maintain that their independence would not be complete unless all relations are served between India and Great Britain.

The supporters of these two opinions however, work together in the National Indian Congress for the Independence of their country.

The present movement in India is intended to establish a Constitution for the Country to determine the measures to be adopted by India when Independent”.

-- But the British Government has formed a Committee to investigate the question of home rule for India?

-- Yes, the British Government has selected a Committee under Sir John Simon to proceed to India to investigate how far such home rule can be granted; but the National Indian Congress together with all other small parties have declared their intention to boycott this Committee because it is we, the Indians, who have the right to establish our Constitution for ourselves, and not the British Government or any authority selected by him.

-- Can you tell me anything the strength of the party applying for Independence

-- This party was formed not very long ago, under the presidency of my son Jawahar Lal Nehru. Most of his supporters are the youth of the country. The party is not very strong at present. It really represents Republic principles. The party was able to gain the approval of the motion of complete Independence by the Congress with a great majority. I am afraid that the older generation are not ready to support these principles, although all the youths have declared to fight for their complete independence

-- Can I know anything about the number of members of the Congress and their election.

-- India is divided into election Circles according to provinces. Each province can send delegates in the proportion of one to 50000 persons. Electors are to be supporters of “Sawaraj” (Independence) and must sign a declaration to this effect. Each elector must pay an annual subscription of four “Annas” (about-1/2) which will give him the right to elect a delegate for the Congress. The most interested supporters of this Movement are the educated people who take an active part in it. The majority of the inhabitants who are uneducated do not take an active part, but they are interested in the movement.

---  What about the difference between the Mohamedans  and Hindus?

--- It not possible to deny that these difference exist as fights and blood shed have taken place. The main reasons for these were not due to religion as colonials pretend, but in fact due to the policy adopted by the British Authorities with them. The Colonials themselves instigate the people to these disturbances in different ways.
                 There are certain difference of views between the Mohammedans and Indians which are not difficult to settle, and we have progressed a long way to their settlement. Mohammedans say that, before the English Colonisation, they were the rulers of the Country and they must have certain privileges. The Hindus say that they form 86% of the population of the country and that they must have their share in the Government Commensurate with this proportion.
         Each of the two parties is, as you see, afraid of the oppression of the ruling party.
               In spite of this, when a call was made for good understanding between two parties, the Hindus, to come to an agreement, offered some of their rights to the Mohammedans. They gave to them 30% of the seats of the Representative Councils, although these seats according to the percentage of the Mohammedans only came to 14%.
            The first man who made a call to agreement for the welfare of the country “Mahatma Gandhi” who advised the Hindus to give the Mohammedans what they asked for, as the latter are few in number and no harms could ever come through granting their demands.

--- What is Mahatma Gandhi doing now?

--- He is still maintaining his idea of boycotting. But as he found that the movement did not succeed for various reasons, he withdrew from the political stage and directed his activities towards the economical business of the country especially to the well-Known spinning factory which [he] controls. He thinks that political efforts should follow the economical ones, and all his efforts are therefore expanded in this direction. For this purpose he visits the villages in India. He has no confidence in the educated people but obtains his supports from the great majority of the uneducated.

-- Does the Congress spread its propaganda Abroad?

-- The conference has so far restricted its activities to India alone, but it has been decided this year to make propaganda abroad, especially in the Eastern countries. Will you please mention in your paper that one of the dearest hopes of the Indian Congress is to establish good relations with the Egyptian Nations; and that should an Egyptian delegation visit India they will receive the warmest reception not only from the Conference but from all Indians, whatever sects they may belong to. Our aim is to create relations with the Eastern Countries who are struggling for their independence, such as China, etc. I shall avail myself of my presence in Egypt to discuss this matter with some prominent Egyptians. It is our duty to take our part in your joys and pains; and if it is not now possible to support each other politically, we can, at least do so morally and we can exchange visits. It is quite true that the British Government will fight this movement in refusing us visas but we would like to overcome all difficulties which may handicap our rapprochement.

-- Can you tell me something about the Indian independent principalties?

-- There are no independent principalties in our country because these principalties are far worse than colonies, every prince has a British delegate with him who has the complete control over all the acts of the prince, even those movements concerning the poorest employee. Princes are at the mercy of the British Government. The Indian people have some rights, but the princes have gradually been deprived of all their rights.

            If you consult the agreements between these princes and Great Britain, you will find them tolerable, but the Britishes ( as is their costum in every country they occupy) have deprived these Princes of gradually of Authority and have created  “antecedents” which gave them a complete and absolute control over the Princes.

            You may think that these Princes have got their Armies, but it would be sufficient for you to know that the name of such armies is “British Service Armies” and that they compose a party of Great Britain’s Forces to realise that the Princes only enjoy the pleasure of spending on their armies which are in fact at the Service of Great Britain.

            When asked for his opinion as to the British Committee he said that we do not hope much of it; because it will soon say that we are not fit for Autonomy on the grounds that we are retrogressive and divides, but the results of this Committee are dependent upon solidarity and our perseverance in boycotting it.

            I asked him as to the Educational Situation; he said : Ignorance is prevalent in India amongst the great majority. It is the policy of Great Britain in countries they occupy to keep the people in complete ignorance because education will enlighten their brains and make them revendicate their rights.

            As to the political situation, he said : all the sources of income in our country are in the hands of Great Britain and it is impossible for any industry to prosper without the help of Great Britain; this entails that the Indian interests are dependent upon British interests.

            Here, Mr. H.R. Bay arrived and we discussed other matters.           
Source: M.N. Papers, MSS, NMML