
Thursday, May 25, 2017

The First Ashram Established by Mahatma Gandhi in India – Satyagraha Ashram, Kochrab, 25 May 1915

Oral History Division’s Record (Extracts), NMML
This Day in History: The First Ashram Established by Mahatma Gandhi in India – Satyagraha Ashram, Kochrab, 25 May 1915

              On his return to India, Mahatma Gandhi wanted to set up an Ashram to settle the small group of relatives and co-workers who had come with him from South Africa and to enable them to resume the life of simplicity and service in which they had been nurtured in South Africa. Gandhiji received invitations to set up Ashram at several places, but he chose Ahmedabad believing that he could best serve the people of the province of his birth. Moreover, as a great textile centre, it was well suited for experiments in hand spinning and weaving, which appeared to him the only viable supplementary jobs for the underworked and underfed masses in the villages of India. He established the Satyagraha Ashram temporarily at Kochrab, a village near Ahmedabad, in a bungalow belonging to a Barrister, Jeevanlal Vrajrai Desai. On 20 May 1915, Gandhiji arrived there and performed, with a cap as a head cover, a house-entering ceremony of the new house. On 25 May 1915, he formally started the Ashram to acquaint the nation with the method he had tried in South Africa. Many flocked to it such as Mahadev Desai, Narhari Parikh and others. The Ashram became a major centre for the followers of Gandhiji to practice constructive work, satyagraha, self-sufficiency and other values, which would build up the nation’s morale. The inmates not only strove for economic upliftment through promotion of khadi, but also the removal of social evils such as untouchability. They were being trained in the moral and emotional controls which are integral elements for a Satyagrahi, and they observed a code of discipline, rules and vows.

Some excerpts from the transcript of the recording of OHD:

Smt. Vanmala Desai (Daughter of Narhari Parikh, one of the first inmates of Satyagraha Ashram at Kochrab)

डॉ हरि देव शर्मा :       आप साबरमती आश्रम में कौन से साल में आई थीं ?
श्रीमती वनमाला देसाई : ... गांधीजी 1915 में दक्षिण अफ्रीका से वापस आए। वे बैरिस्‍टर थे। उन दिनों अहमदाबाद के वकीलों की गांधी में बहुत रूचि थी। वे सब गुजरात क्‍लब में मिला करते थे। महात्‍मा गांधी को उस वक्‍त महात्‍मा नहीं कहा जाता था। उनको गांधी साहब कहते थे। गांधीजी के बारे में बहुत सी बातें गुजरात क्‍लब में, जहां सभी वकील मिलते थे, हुआ करती थीं। उस वक्‍त वहां मेरे पिताजी नरहरिभाई भी थे। सरदार वल्‍लभभाई पटेल भी गुजरात क्‍लब में मिलते थे। यह लोग जवान थे। पहले तो ये लोग गांधीजी की सादा रहने की बातें करते थे, कि बैरिस्‍टर होते हुए भी कितने सादा कपड़े पहनते हैं। इन सब बातों को लेकर वे लोग ठट्टा-मसकरी करते थे और कहते थे कि यह क्‍या आदमी है, बैरिस्‍टरी करके विलायत से आया है पर क्‍या कपड़े पहनता है। परंतु फिर भी इन लोगों की गांधीजी के बारे में यह जानने की इच्‍छा होती थी कि दक्षिण अफ्रीका में इन्‍होंने इतना काम कैसे किया।
                   ... सन् 1917 में गांधीजी कोचरब में रहते थे। साबरमती के पास नदी के परले पार कोचरब एक गांव था, वहां उनके किसी एक दोस्‍त ने उनको एक घर दे दिया था। एक दफा शाम को मेरे पिताजी, नरहरि भाई, और महादेव देसाई दोनों वहां गए। इन लोगों ने सोचा कि हम गांधीजी से मिलेंगे, बातें करेंगे और कहेंगे कि हमें कुछ काम दीजिए ...।
                    ... गांधीजी ने इन्‍हें बताया कि हम तो यहां सुबह चक्‍की पीसते हैं, फिर खाना पकाते हैं, बर्तन मलते हैं और फिर कहीं आना-जाना हो तो आते-जाते हैं, लोगों से मिलते हैं। यहां पर यही काम है। आपको पसंद हो तो इसमें शरीक हो जाओ। इन लोगों के मन में जरा हिचकिचाहट हुई क्‍योंकि ये तो वकील थे, फिर सोचने लगे कि क्‍या हम ऐसा काम करेंगे? इन्‍होंने यह बात कही तो नहीं लेकिन मन में सोचा कि यह तो हम नहीं करेंगे। लेकिन ये वहां जाते रहे और इस तरह धीरे-धीरे इन कार्यों में इनकी दिलचस्‍पी होने लगी। जब कोर्ट खतम होता तो पांच-छ: बजे क्‍लब में जाने के बदले ये वहां जाने लगे। वहां जाकर कभी-कभी ये चक्‍की पीसने बैठ जाते थे और कभी बर्तन साफ करने में गांधीजी की मदद करते। जब गांधीजी कहते कि हमारे साथ खाना खाओ तो उनके साथ बैठकर खाना भी खा लेते, परंतु खाना पसंद तो नहीं आता था, क्‍योंकि दाल और सब्‍जी में नमक नहीं होता था, सिर्फ उबली हुई दाल होती थी और मोटी-मोटी चपाती। अत: ये लोग घर आकर फिर से खाना खाते थे ...।
                    ... लगभग एक साल के अंदर ही, 1917 में, ये लोग आश्रम चले गए। ... कुछ दिनों बाद साबरमती आश्रम बना, उन लोगों को जमीन मिल गई। फिर वहां जाने के लिए तय हुआ। उस समय वहां बबूल और बेर सारी जगह में जंगल की तरह फैला हुआ था। पैर रखने की भी जगह नहीं थी। एक दिन बापूजी ने कहा कि वहां रहने चलेंगे उस वक्‍त गांधीजी के साथ उनके दो भतीजे और साकरलाल भाई, किशोरिलाल भाई, नरहरि भाई, इत्‍यादि का परिवार था। इसके अलावा गांधीजी के साथ सात-आठ परिवार और थे, वे सब मिलकर वहां गए। 

Rash Behari Bose’s Birthday, 25 May 1886

Oral History Division’s Record (Extracts), NMML
This Day in Indian History: Rash Behari Bose’s Birthday, 25 May 1886

              On this day, Rash Behari Bose was born in the Bengal Presidency. He played a notable part and rendered valuable contributions to the cause of India’s independence. His life was an example of rare courage, conviction and selfless service. For his involvement in the Ghadar movement, Hardinge Bomb Case (1912) and other revolutionary activities, he had to go into exile in Japan. Even so, he continued to mobilize support for the liberation of India. He was instrumental in the formation of the Indian Independence League (1942) and second Indian National Army (INA) with the help of Subhas Chandra Bose.

Some excerpts from the Transcript of the recording of OHD:

Col. Prem Kumar Sahgal (Close Associate of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and ACS, HQ Supreme Command, INA)
Shri S.L. Manchanda :         What would you like to say about Rash Behari Bose?
Col. Prem Kumar Sahgal :  Rash Behari Bose was a great patriot. I think his contribution to the Indian independence movement is not understood in our country. He is the man who built up a cadre of Indian revolutionaries from Tokyo to Burma – from all those people who had migrated there at one time or other including those who had gone there by a famous Japanese ship. He was the one man who was responsible for inculcating the spirit of Indian nationalism among them. He infused a new life in them. Again, he had tremendous influence in Japan. He had a Japanese father-in-law. He had connections with the Black Dragon Society. He lived in Japan for a long time and was held in great respect by the Japanese. In spite of all that, he was a true Indian patriot ...

Manchanda:                           Had he become a Japanese citizen?
Sahgal:                                 Yes, he had become a Japanese citizen, but you should not forget the greatness of this man. Had he been a selfish leader, he would not have begged of Japanese to bring Netaji. Even when Netaji had come, he could have still tried to stay on in limelight – he had a tremendous following – but, he did not. When Netaji came, he went into the background completely. I think this was the greater act of sacrifice that a politician could have made.     

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Remembering Gurudev


October 9, 1932

           I have your beautiful letter. I am daily seeking light. This unity between Hindus and Muslims is also my life’s mission. The restrictions do hamper me. But I know that when I have the light, it will pierce through the restrictions. Meanwhile I pray though I do yet fast.

           I hope you were none the worse for the strenuous work in Poona and equally fatiguing long journey.

          Mahadev has translated for us your beautiful sermon to the villagers on 20th ultimo.
 With Love, 
 M.K. Gandhi

February 19, 1940

          The touching note that you put into my hands as we parted has gone straight into my heart. Of course Visvabharati is a national institution. It is undoubtedly also international. You may depend upon my doing all I can in the common endeavour to assure its permanence.

          I look to you to keep your promise to sleep religiously for about an hour daily during the day.

          Though I have always regarded Santiniketan as my second home, this visit has brought me nearer to it than ever before.

 With reverence and love,

Source:- MSS Section   

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


    On the occasion of the 1st May 1947, International Labour Day, the World Federation of  Trade Union issues an appeal to all workers of the world, men and women.                
     The Trade Unions have acquired an influence and a position of importance in the economic, social and political life of many countries. In some of them, the Trade Union Centres have been able to obtain a large number of claims obtained in the declaration of the World Conference held in London in February 1945, even though the first anxiety of the workers has been to reconstruct what was destroyed by the war and Hitlerian barbarity.
     On the occasion of the FIRST MAY, International Labour Day, the  W.F.T.U  requests all its affiliated organizations to throw all their strength into the struggle against reaction, in order to ensure complete protection for the interests and legitimate rights of the workers.
                   Workers of all countries defend your trade union rights Demand:-

·  That an end be put to exploitation and to social and economic discrimination under all its forms, whether if race, religion or sex.
·        Equal pay for equal work for women and young people
·       The practical application of full-employment and the fixing of the salaries which will ensure the in dependable standard of  living for the workers.
·       Paid annual holidays where this is not applied
·       Freedom of speech, assembly, press and organisation
·       The rooting out of Fascism under whatever form it shows itself.
·       The real [d..sification] of Germany  and the democratisation of Japan
     On the occasion of the 1st of May, 1947, the World Federation of Trade Unions appeals to all workers who are still outside its ranks to unite their efforts to those of its 71 million members in the interests of democracy and peace.

Source: AITUC Papers NMML